List compiled by Jeremy Bartlett. Last updated 23rd March 2023.

General information on lichens can be found on the British Lichen Society website.

Lichens have been recorded as follows:

PL – Peter Lambley (previous Norfolk Lichen Recorder) on a guided walk on 12th May 2018. TG209086. 25 species recorded.

RL – Rob Yaxley (current Norfolk Lichen Recorder) on a visit on 4th March 2023 and guided walk on 11th March 2023. Eastern part of Cemetery. 56 species recorded.

Amandinea punctataHungarian oak (RY)
Arthonia radiataTrees – twigs (RY)
Arthonia spadiceaTrees – trunks (RY)
Bilimbia sabuletorumMemorial (RY)
Caloplaca citrina aggLimestone memorials (RY)
Caloplaca dichroaMemorials (PL, RY)
Caloplaca flavescensLimestone memorials – not common here (abundant in rural churchyards) (PL, RY)
Caloplaca marmorataLimestone memorials (PL)
Candelaria concolorTree – willow (RY)
Candelariella aurellaSandstone memorials (RY)
Candelariella mediansSandstone memorials (RY)
Candelariella vitellinaSandstone memorials (PL, RY)
Chaenotheca trichialisBig oak (RY)
Chrysothrix candelarisTrees – trunk (RY)
Cladonia fimbriataGravel tomb (RY), on ground (PL)
Cliostomum griffithiiBig oak (RY)
Collema auriformeMemorial garden on limestone boulders (RY)
Evernia prunastriTrees (RY)
Hypotrachyna afrorevolutaTrees – twigs (RY)
Illosporiopsis christianseniiLichenocolous fungus on Physcia (RY)
Lecania cyrtellaTrees – trunk (RY)
Lecania turicensisLimestone memorial (RY)
Lecanora albescensLimestone memorial (PL)
Lecanora campestrisMemorials (PL, RY)
Lecanora chlaroteraTrees (PL)
Lecanora expallensTrees – trunks (RY), sandstone memorials (PL)
Lecanora hybocarpaTrees – twigs (RY)
Lecanora muralisSandstone memorials (PL, RY)
Lecanora polytropaSandstone memorials (PL)
Lecanora soraliferaSandstone memorials (PL)
Lecidella elaeochromaTrees – twigs (RY)
Lecidella scabraSandstone memorial (RY)
Lecidella stigmateaChapel walls (RY)
Lepraria incana sensu latoTrees – trunks, and memorials (RY)
Leptogium gelatinosumLimestone memorials (RY)
Leptogium turgidumIn letters on limestone tomb (RY)
Marchandobasidium aurantiacumLichenocolous fungus on Physcia (RY)
Melanelixia subauriferaTrees – twigs (PL, RY)
Myriolecis albescensChapel, on hard limestone (RY)
Opegrapha calcareaLimestone memorials (RY)
Opegrapha herbarumTrees – trunks (RY)
Opegrapha niveoatraTrees – trunks (RY)
Opegrapha viridipruinosaTrees – trunks (RY)
Parmelia saxatilisSingle thallus near big oak on sandstone memorial (RY)
Parmelia sulcataTrees – trunks (PL, RY)
Petractis clausaFirst east Norfolk VC27 record. (RY)
Phaeophyscia orbicularisTrees – trunks (RY)
Physcia adscendensTrees – twigs (RY), limestone headstones and trees (PL)
Physcia caesiaLimestone memorials (PL)
Physcia orbicularisLimestone memorials (PL)
Physcia tenellaTrees – twigs (RY)
Physconia griseaTrees – trunks (RY)
Placopyrenium fuscellumLimestone memorials (RY)
Porina aeneaTrees – trunk (RY)
Porpidia tuberculosaSandstone memorials (RY)
Protoblastenia rupestrisLimestone memorials (RY)
Psilolechia lucidaSandstone memorial (PL, RY)
Punctelia jeckeriiTrees (PL)
Punctelia subrudectaTrees – trunks and twigs (PL, RY)
Ramalina spTrees (RY)
Sarcogyne regularisChapel walls (RY)
Strigula tayloriThird Norfolk locality, spreading species (RY)
Verrucaria nigrescensChapel, on hard limestone (PL, RY)
Xanthoria candelariaTrees (PL)
Xanthoria parietinaTrees (RY), trees and limestone memorials (PL)